Апериодика из Златоуста

Апериодика // авторский блог из Златоуста


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Korn выпустили прикольнй альбом. В стилях значатся одновременнно: nu metal, dubstep, drum and bass, and electro house.

Звучит прикольно!

I am clearly broken
And no one knows what to do
Pieces of the puzzles don't fit so I'm coming into you
Itching is a pulse inside
Screaming out to come alive
It's just you and I
It's time to
Times are looking grim these days
Holding on to everything
It's hard to draw the line
Shut the fuck up, get up [x3]

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grin LOL cheese smile wink smirk rolleyes confused surprised big surprise tongue laugh tongue rolleye tongue wink raspberry blank stare long face ohh grrr gulp oh oh downer red face sick shut eye hmmm mad angry zipper kiss shock cool smile cool smirk cool grin cool hmm cool mad cool cheese vampire snake excaim question

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